Dans le cadre des séminaires de l’ObTIC, nous accueillons le 15 février Alexandre Gefen (CNRS), Marc Allassonnière-Tang (CNRS) et Antoine Silvestre de Sacy (Université Sorbonne Nouvelle).
Intitulé de la présentation: « Représentation sociale du genre dans les romans: une analyse diachronique »
Détails: Social representation of gender in novels: A diachronic analysis. Many contemporary debates are linked to the idea that social relationships are determined by language. One existing hypothesis suggests that the evolution of language matches the evolution of our mental representations. Such a phenomenon is particularly visible in literature, which captures the trends of our social debates and our mental frameworks. We further develop existing studies conducted on English by analyzing the representation of women in the French society (>200 years) using a corpus of 3000 novels. The main research questions are: a) What are the linguistic markers that can be used to identify gender representations? b) What are the major observable trends? For example, how does the representation of women and men change across time in our corpus? c) How can we further interpret these trends by returning to the texts and articulating distant and close reading? d) Do criteria external to the texts (sex of the author, status of the work (belonging to the canon/archive cf Moretti), etc.) have an impact on these representations? Our results show that women and men were mentioned in very different contexts. For example, feminine names were frequently mentioned around words such as ‘small’ and ‘tear’, while masculine names were frequently mentioned around words such as ‘chief’ and ‘master’. Furthermore, when comparing novels by female/male authors and canon/non-canon types, we observe that while the representation of female names is getting more neutral across author gender and type, the representation of male names did not significantly change, except for male non-canon authors.
Date: 15 février 2024, 10h-12h
Adresse: 4 place Jussieu, Scai (voir plan), salle des séminaires.
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