Motasem Alrahabi
Welcome to my homepage.
I am a Research Engineer in Digital Humanities (DH) and the Scientific Coordinator of the Team-Project ObTIC - Sorbonne University.
My interdisciplinary background stands at the crossroads of linguistics, Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Artificial Intelligence (AI).
I have a PhD in Linguistic Engineering and a Master's Degree in Machine Learning and AI.
I teach DH at Sorbonne University, and I have previously taught NLP and Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) for language teaching at Sorbonne University, Institut Catholique de Paris (ICP) and Sorbonne University in Abu Dhabi (SUAD).
My research interests focus on the analysis of subjectivity in texts, reported speech and e-learning.
Qualified by the French National Committee (CNU – Conseil National des Universités), Section 27 (Computer Science).
Main Responsibilities
- Scientific Coordinator of the Team-Project ObTIC-SCAI, Sorbonne University (Jan. 2021 - to date).
- Research Engineer at the laboratory of excellence Labex OBVIL, Sorbonne University, France (Sept. 2018 - Dec. 2020).
- Lecturer in ICT for Education, SUAD (Sept. 2010 - June 2018).
- Associate lecturer in Computer Science and NLP, Paris-Sorbonne University and ICP (Sept. 2007- June 2010).
- Teaching and Research Assistant (ATER) in Computer Science, Paris-Sorbonne University (Sept. 2005 - Aug. 2007).
Research Activities
Current Research Projects
- Digital mapping of places in literary texts (named entities, visualization...).
- Semantic and Subjectivity Analysis of texts (opinions, sentiments, perceptions, irony...).
- The role of emotions in the early detection of psychotic disorders (medical humanities).
- Polemical style analysis in correspondence (Voltaire, Rousseau...).
- Using new technologies and e-learning for teaching and learning.
- More projects here.
Conferences and Workshops Organization
- Co-organization of a Digital Humanities and NLP summer school, UNAM university, Mexico, September 11-14, 2023 link
- Co-organization of the ANHIMO summer school at SCAI, Sorbonne University, June 26-30, 2023 link
- Co-organization of the conference "La littérature au prisme des humanités numériques", Institut d’études avancées de Paris, 16/03/2023 (brochure).
- Organization of the conference "Controversy in literary criticism: between theory and automatic processing", Sorbonne University, Paris, 10 & 11/06/2020 (website, postponed due to COVID-19, new date: 3-4 november 2022).
- Organization of Digital Workshops for ObTIC (2021-to date), and for OBVIL (2018-2020).
- Organization of the conference "Colloque international sur l’enseignement du Français Langue Étrangère : approche actionnelle et pratiques numériques", Paris-Sorbonne University, Abu Dhabi, 01/05/2018 (brochure & website).
- Organization of the workshop: "The Heritage of popular expressions: from one language to another", Paris-Sorbonne University, Abu Dhabi, 15/12/2015 (brochure).
Research Supervision
- Co-Supervisor of PhD students, Sorbonne University :
- Ljudmila Petković: Influence of Charcot on other disciplines: automatic analysis and valuation of heritage archives, OPUS (2021-2024).
- Caroline Parfait: Spatial analysis for French novels using machine learning, Sorbonne Center for Artificial Intelligence, SCAI (2020-2023).
- Supervisor and Co-Supervisor of Master students (research and digital publising), Sorbonne University (2018-2020):
- Nicolas Hiebel (2020) and Seydina Fall (2019): Named Entities extration from the TGB collection.
- Luc Nakache (2019): Proposal of a TEI scheme for correspondence documents.
- Isabelle Riquet (2018), Fanny Berdah (2019), Nolwenn Chevalier (2019): Transforming digitalized texts to structured edition, publishing XML-TEI content for the Obvil Digital Library.
- Nassab Kassem, Lebanese University, Beirut, Lebanon. Director: Prof. Ghassan Mourad: Automatic identification of "Results" in Arabic scientific papers (2016-2017).
- Technical supervisor of two master's thesis at Paris-Sorbonne University - LaLIC :
- -Evaluation of the point of view « Meeting between entities» in the context of Information Retrieval Systems, A. Franchi, 2008.
- -Interrogation of texts in the platform EXCOM, M. Boubakir, 2009.
Digital Publishing Project Management
Defining specifications, managing archive digitization, designing databases, monitoring trainees:
- The Comédie-Française Registers Project (in collaboration with University of Victoria, Canada, link).
- The Opéra-comique database (in collaboration with the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, link).
- Heritage of poetry sound archives (Sorbonne University, link).
- The Valentin Haüy Heritage Library (in collaboration with Valentin Haüy association, link).
Talks and Seminars
- Invited speaker at the international CRIHN Conference, Montréal, Canada, October 2023.
- Title: The role of emotions in the automatic analysis of psychotic speech.
- Participant at the workshop L’édition numérique de la correspondance de Mme Du Deffand, MSHB-Rennes, October 2023, France.
- Title: Analyse automatique des sentiments et des émotions dans l’édition Collin
- Participant at the summer school ANHIMO (link), Sorbonne University, June 2023.
- Title: Analyse et cartographie de textes littéraires liés à l'histoire de la mer: le cas du récit "Magellan" de Stefan Zweig (slides)
- Participant at the workshop Spatial Analysis of Literary Texts (link), Sorbonne University, June 2022.
- Title: Tanagra Mapping Tool: repérage automatique, analyse sémantique et cartographie des lieux mis en récits (slides)
- Invited talk: the seminar of Lucien Tesnière Center, Franche-Comté University, April 2022.
- Title: Fouille sémantique de textes: quelques réalisations dans le domaine des humanités numériques.
- Participant at the Voltaire Hackaton, organized by Voltaire Foundation, Oxford (link), Jan. 2020.
- Participant at the workshop “Écrivains en réseaux. Les correspondances sous l’œil numérique”, IMEC, Caen, 22/11/19.
- Title: De la polémique dans les correspondances: repérage automatique, analyse et interprétation.
- Participant at the International conference on Digital Archiving in the Arab World, DAAW, Abu Dhabi, UAE, 2019.
- Title: "Identifying and Analyzing Places in Arabic Travelogue Literature" (abstract)
- Participant at the "Colloque international sur l’enseignement du Français Langue Étrangère : approche actionnelle et pratiques numériques", Paris-Sorbonne University, Abu Dhabi, 01/05/2018 (brochure & website).
- Participant at the World Arabic Language Day Conference, Université Al Qasimia à Sharjah, EAU, 18 december 2017.
- Title: Media treatment of autism in the United Arab Emirates (slides).
- Invited talk: the Arabic Studies Program, NYUAD, 15 october 2017, Abu Dhabi, UAE (flyer)
- Participant at the workshop of the Labex OBVIL, Paris-Sorbonne University, June 2016, Paris, France.
- Title: "Corpus de l’OBVIL: Lecture guidée par les annotations sémantiques", (slides)
- Participant at the workshop: "The Heritage of popular expressions: from one language to another", Paris-Sorbonne University, Abu Dhabi, 15/12/2015 (brochure & details)
- Title: Translation of Emirati proverbs from Arabic to French.
- Participant at the workshop of the Labex OBVIL, Paris-Sorbonne University, April 2015, Paris, France.
- Title: "Premiers résultats d’analyse des modalités rapportées dans le corpus “Critique” de l’équipe OBVIL", (slides)
- Invited speaker at the International FLAIRS conference, Semantic, Logics, and Information Extraction in AI (Special track), Pensacola, Florida, 2014.
- Title: A subjectivity analysis tool for the reported speech (slides).
- Visiting researcher at Cognition and Text Laboratory, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Seoul, South Korea, through the project PHC STAR, funded by the EGIDE association.
- Supervised by Prof. PAK Shihyeon.
- Subject: Semantic annotation and automatic summarization tools.
- Dates: Dec. 2008 and Dec. 2010.
- Visiting researcher at LANCI laboratory – University of Québec, Montréal, Canada.
- Supervised by Prof. Jean-Guy Meunier.
- Subject: Assistance tool for expert reading.
- Date: 10th to 31st May 2009.
- Panel member and invited talk at the international Conference "2ème Colloque International en Traductologie et TAL", Oran, Algeria.
- Organized by Prof. S. Carday (Centre TAL, Lucien Tesnière, France) and Prof. F. Bouhadiba (Oran University, Algeria) Subject: Opinion analysis in the reported speech in Arabic.
- Date: 7th and 8th of June 2008.
- Internships at the Ecole Nationale Superieure des Sciences Information (ENSSIB), Lyon, France.
- Supervised by Prof. Mohamed Hassoun (ENSSIB) and Prof. Joseph Dichy (Univ. of Lyon II).
- Subject: Using the Arabic electronic database (DIINAR) and the Arabic concordancer (AraConc).
- Date: May and June 2005.
- Participant at the workshops of the University of Lyon II and ENSSIB through scientific research programs supported by the Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie.
- Supervised by Prof. Joseph Dichy (Univ. of Lyon II) and Prof. Mohamed Hassoun (ENSSIB).
- Subject: Automatic Processing of Arabic and French Languages.
- Dates: 24th and 25th of April, 2007 ; 4th and 5th of April, 2008 ; 9th and 10th of Jan., 2009 ; 26th and 27th of March, 2010.
Reviewing and Research Committees
- Reviewer for the workshop DH & NLP, as part of TALN conference (TALN 2022).
- Sub-reviewer for TALN conference (TALN 2022).
- Reviewer for Ain Shams Engineering Journal (ASEJ), Elsevier. ISSN: 2090-4479, 2017-2019.
- Reviewer for TAL Journal, special issue on NLP for Arabic and related languages (58-3), directed by Mona Diab, Nizar Habash and Imed Zitouni, 2017.
- Reviewer for MEDES'16, the International ACM Conference on Management ofEmergent Digital EcoSystems (Special Track on Computational Intelligence), France, 2016.
- Reviewer for the International FLAIRS conference, Semantic, Logics, and Information Extraction in AI (Special track), Key Largo, Florida, 2016.
- Reviewer for MEDES'14, the International ACM Conference on Management of Emergent Digital EcoSystems (Special Track on Computational Intelligence), Saudi Arabia, 2014.
- Reviewer for ICITeS'2011- International Conference on Information Technology ande-Services, Tunisia, 2011.
- Reviewer for the International LREC conference, Language Resources and Human Language Technologies forSemitic Languages (Workshop), Malta 2010.
Education and Diploma
PhD Thesis (Paris-Sorbonne University - France, 2003-2010)
- Discipline: Mathematics, Informatics and their Applications in Human Sciences.
- Grade: First class honours with highest praise (Très honorable avec félicitations du jury).
- Title: EXCOM-2: plateforme d'annotation automatique de catégories sémantiques. Applications à la catégorisation des citations en français et en arabe. Thèse de doctorat, sous la direction du Prof. Jean-Pierre Desclés, Université Paris-Sorbonne.
Master's Degree (Paris-Sorbonne University - France, 2022-2023)
- Discipline: Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence.
- Institution: Paris-Sorbonne University - France (Professionnelle Continuous Training, DU-MLIA)
Master's Degree 2 (Paris-Sorbonne University - France, 2001-2003)
- Discipline: Mathematics, Informatics and their Applications in the Human Sciences - Option: Natural Language Processing.
- Institution: Paris-Sorbonne University - France - Title: Résumé automatique de textes en arabe à l'aide de la méthode de l'Exploration Contextuelle. Mémoire de DEA, sous la direction du Prof. Jean-Pierre Desclés, Université Paris-Sorbonne.
Master's Degree 1 (Cergy-Pontoise University - France, 2000-2001)
- Discipline: Modern Literature - Option: Translation.
- Title: Bilinguisme et Traduction: under the direction of Prof. Chritstiane Choulet-Achour, Cergy-Pontoise University, and Prof. Gilbert Grandguillaume, EHESS.
Bachelor's Degree (Damascus University - Syria, 1997-2000)
- Discipline: French Literature and Linguistics.
- University Institute of Technologies (Le Havre University - France, 1990-1993)
- Discipline: Information Technologies systems and Management.
Hight School Diploma
- Literary Baccalaureate, Damascus, Syria - 1996.
- Scientific Baccalaureate, Damascus, Syria - 1990.
Teaching and Training
Designed and Delivered Teachings
Teaching domains since 2005: DH, IT, NLP, ICTE.
- 2021-2024: Digital Humanities for Archival Studies:
- Introduction to Digital Humanities for the field of archives, Bachelors, SUAD.
- 2021-2023: Computer-assisted translation techniques:
- Legal and financial translation and terminology - Master's program, Sorbonne Nouvelle Univ., Paris.
- 2020-2023: Digital Humanities:
- Digital Humanities, Methodology and Practice - Literature Master's program, Sorbonne Univ., Paris.
- 2020-2024: NLP tools:
- NLP for the textual corpora analysis - LFA Master's program, Sorbonne Univ., Paris.
- 2022-2024: Design and marketing tools for French teaching:
- Methodology for creating online training courses for the FOS (French for Specific Purposes) - LFA Master's program, Sorbonne Univ., Paris.
- 2010-2018:
- NLP Methods and Tools (International Business Master's program; French as a Foreign Language Master's program, SUAD)
- Introduction to NLP.
- Tools for Opinion Mining and Sentiment Analysis.
- Data analysis and visualization using TXM, Iramuteq, Voyant tools, Gephi.
- C2i, Computer and Intranet Certificate (All Bachelors programs, SUAD)
- ICTE for French teachers (Teaching French as a Foreign Language Master's program, SUAD):
- ICT based language teaching and learning approaches.
- E-learning solutions for language teaching and online learning environments.
- Web 2.0 tools for teachers.
- Online collaboration and cloud computing tools (manage and plan activities, social networks, blogs and wikis).
- Online pedagogical resources for language teaching.
- ICTE for French learners (undergraduate, SUAD):
- Creating online collaborative works for French language learners: pedagogical blogs and podcasting; multilingual thematic glossaries; interactive grammatical exercises; audio-visual and cinematographic materials...
- French language for non-native speakers (undergraduate, SUAD):
- Writing, reading, speaking, and listening (CEFRL levels: A1 to B2).
- IT (Banking and Finance Master's program; Applied Foreign Languages, Law and Economy Bachelors program, SUAD)
- Introduction to Algorithmic & modeling languages (UML).
- Databases (Microsoft Office Access, MySQL).
- Project Management Tools (Microsoft Office Project).
- Advanced Office software (Open Office, MS Office): Word Processing, Spreadsheet and Presentation.
- Image editing (Gimp, Inkscape, Scribus) and audio signal processing (Audacity).
- HTML, Javascript and CSS.
- Copyright legislation for Internet and softwares.
- NLP Methods and Tools (International Business Master's program; French as a Foreign Language Master's program, SUAD)
- 2016-2017: Arabic as foreign language for beginners (Applied Foreign Languages Bachelors, SUAD)
- Alphabet and pronunciation
- Basic vocabulary
- Morphosyntactic system of Arabic language: introduciton
- 2010-2013: Arabic linguistic (Applied Foreign Languages Bachelors, SUAD)
- Introduction to Linguistics.
- Textual and discursive analysis.
- Translation (Arabic-French).
- Summarization techniques.
- 2007-2010: NLP (Masters LFA & ILGII, Paris-Sorbonne University - France)
- Introduction to the NLP.
- Automatic text segmentation (tokenization).
- Semantic and discursive text annotation tools.
- 2005-2010: IT (Bachelors, Paris-Sorbonne University - France & Institut Catholique de Paris)
- Office software: word Processing, Spreadsheet and Presentation.
- HTML, JavaScript, CSS, XSLT and Website designing.
- Image manipulation.
- Copyright legislation and Security.
- 2003-2005: IT Mentoring (Bachelors, Paris-Sorbonne University - France)
- Office Softwares and Internet.
Designed Pedagogical Workshops
- French Language and Digital Museums (2016- 2018):
- This workshop offers to FLE students the opportunity to develop the practice of French language while discovering the basics of artistic analysis: Painting, sculpture, mosaic, drawing and photography. Inspired by task based learning, students are asked to create detailed description sheets (Cartels) for the selected pieces. At the end of their work, the students participate in the creation of a collective online exhibition as a virtual digital museum.
- SUAD Webradio (2013- 2018):
- This web based radio offers pedagogical and cultural podcasts (reports, interviews and chronicles) created by French language learners. I created this annual workshop to allow our students to improve, beside everything else, their speaking skills in attractive ways.
- VocaTion (Vocabulaire en action, 2014):
- This workshop aims to enhance the acquisition, understanding and re-use of vocabulary among learners. Designed on an Actional model, this workshop covers different skills related to linguistics, ICTE and methodology. The objective of this activity is to create, for an acquired word, mindmaps and crossword puzzles related to morphological information (derivation) and semantic relations (synonymy, antonymy, hyperonymy, etc.).
Provided Training
- 2023, November : Introduction to automatic text analysis in Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS).
- Duration: 2 days
- Public: Researchers in HSS
- Organized by: Ariane Consortium
- Content: link.
- 2021, October : Introduction to Machine Learning Tools for documents Digitization.
- Duration: 2h
- Public: Researchers in Humanities
- Organized by: ObTIC, Sorbonne University
- Content: link.
- 2021, December : Introduction to Algorithmics & Regular Expressions.
- Duration: 2h
- Public: Researchers in Humanities
- Organized by: ObTIC, Sorbonne University
- Content: link.
- 2020, March, May and June: NLP tools.
- Duration: 12h
- Public: Researchers in Humanities
- Organized by: EHESS, Paris
- Content: Data acquisition, preparation and cleaning for NLP purposes (link).
- 2018, January: Webradio workshop
- Duration: 12h
- Public: French language teachers - UAE
- Organized by: Institut Français Abu Dhabi
- Content: Train French teachers to produce podcasts with their students and broadcast them on an online radio.
- 2017, July: Online presentation tools
- Duration: 4h30
- Public: French Department teachers - SUAD
- Organized by: SUAD
- 2016, February, April and September: E-Learning (Blackboard), Interactive Whiteboards, Digital teaching resources.
- Duration: 20h, 10 weeks training
- Public: French Department teachers - SUAD
- Organized by: SUAD
- 2015, October: "L'art dans tous ses états avec les TICE" (brochure, link). Identify, edit and republish media resources (image, audio & video) for language teaching.
- Duration: 9h, 2 days training
- Public: French teachers in UAE
- Organized by: Institut Français Abu Dhabi
- 2013, June: Designing pedagogical activities using Interactive Whiteboards (brochure).
- Duration: 12h, 2 days training
- Public: French teachers in UAE
- Organized by: Institut Français Abu Dhabi
- 2011, (22th of May to 23th of June):
- Commissioned by the French Alliance in Abu Dhabi to create the Arabic language curriculum for beginners (curriculum development and assessment, hiring teachers, program administration...).
See my citations on: Google Scholar.
- Caroline Parfait, Motasem Alrahabi, Yoann Dupont, Gaël Lejeune, Glenn Roe. (2023, July 10-14). Mapping spatial named entities from noisy OCR output: Epimethee from OCR to map. Digital Humanities 2023. Collaboration as Opportunity (DH2023), Graz, Austria. (link)
- Motasem Alrahabi, Valentina Fedchenko, Ljudmila Petkovic, Glenn Roe, Johanna Cordova. (2023, July 10-14). Pandore: a toolbox for digital humanities text-based workflows. Poster. Digital Humanities 2023. Collaboration as Opportunity (DH2023), Graz, Austria. (link)
- Ludovica Mastrobattista, Motasem Alrahabi, Valentina Fedchenko, Oussama Joumaa, James Gawley, Johanna Cordova, Glenn Roe. (2023, July 10-14). Using text summarization models to improve digital reading of scientific papers. Poster. Digital Humanities 2023. Collaboration as Opportunity (DH2023), Graz, Austria. (link)
- Ljudmila Petkovic, Motasem Alrahabi, Glenn Roe. Impact de la correction automatique de l'OCR/HTR sur la reconnaissance d'entités nommées dans un corpus bruité. JIS - Journal of Information Sciences, 2022, 21 (2), pp.42-57. ⟨10.34874/IMIST.PRSM/jis-v21i2.36599⟩. ⟨hal-04063970⟩. (link)
- Ljudmila Petkovic, Motasem Alrahabi, Glenn Roe. Circulation du discours médical de Jean-Martin Charcot : Premières observations. Humanistica 2023, Association francophone des humanités numériques, Jun 2023, Genève, Suisse. ⟨hal-04107099⟩. (link)
- Ljudmila Petkovic, Motasem Alrahabi, Glenn Roe. "Impact de la correction automatique de l’OCR/HTR sur la reconnaissance d’entités nommées dans un corpus bruité." Journal of Information Sciences [Online], 21.2 (2022): 42-57. Web. 7 Apr. 2023. (link)
- Didier Alexandre, Motasem Alrahabi, Marine Riguet. La valeur littéraire au fil d’Ariane : Barbey d’Aurevilly et les écrivaines. Didier Alexandre; Glenn Roe. Observer la vie littéraire. Études littéraires et numériques, Classiques Garnier, pp.345-396, 2022. (link)
- Didier Alexandre, Motasem Alrahabi, Frédérick Gay, Marine Riguet, Alexandre Duguet, et al.. Le médical et le social : Analyse sémantique des rapports de l’immersion d’étudiants en médecine dans le Samu social. Didier Alexandre; Glenn Roe. Observer la vie littéraire. Études littéraires et numériques, Classiques Garnier, pp.817-848, 2022. (link)
- Motasem Alrahabi, Glenn Roe, Camille Koskas, Marguerite Bordry, James Gawley « Des étudiants en lettres face aux humanités numériques : une expérience pédagogique », revue Humanités numériques, n° 5, 2022. (link)
- Axel Le Roy, Motasem Alrahabi, Glenn Roe « Les animaux chinois de Buffon : identification automatique des jugements critiques dans l’Histoire naturelle (1749-1789) » in TALN 2022 (atelier TAL et Humanités Numériques). (link)
- Johanna Cordova, Yoann Dupont, Ljudmila Petkovic, James Gawley, Motasem Alrahabi & Glenn Roe « Toolbox : une chaîne de traitement de corpus pour les humanités numériques » in TALN 2022 (Démo), Paris, France, (link)
- Motasem Alrahabi, « Obvie: interface web pour la fouille et la comparaison de textes », Actes de DigitAl Humanities and cuLtural herItAge: data and knowledge management and analysis (Atelier Dahlia), Jan 2022, Blois, France (link)
- Motasem Alrahabi, Carmen Brando, Alkhalil Muhamed, Joseph Dichy (2021), "Paris dans les récits de voyage d’écrivains arabes : repérage, analyse sémantique et cartographie de toponymes", Revue Humanités numériques (en ligne), 3 |2021 (link)
- Motasem Alrahabi, Marguerite Bordry, Johanna Cordova, Yoann Dupont « L’ironie dans la critique littéraire : quelques pistes pour l’annotation automatique », Classiques Garnier, Études digitales. 2021 – 1. n° 11. Ordre numérique et désordre digital. (link)
- Motasem Alrahabi, Carmen Brando, Francesca Frontini, Arthur Provenier, Romain Jalabert, Marguerite Bordry, Camille Koskas, James Gawley « Guide d'annotation manuelle d'entités nommées dans des corpus littéraires », annotation guide for NER, 2021 (link)
- Motasem Alrahabi, Camille Koskas, Glenn Roe « Le style polémique dans les correspondances de Voltaire », Colloque Humanistica, 2021, Rennes, France (link)
- Motasem Alrahabi, « Ariane: dispositif de fouille et de lecture synthétique de textes », Actes de DigitAl Humanities and cuLtural herItAge: data and knowledge management and analysis (Atelier Dahlia), Jan 2021, Montpellier, France (link)
- Caroline Parfait, Lejeune Gaël, Motasem Alrahabi, Glenn Roe « Discovering Spatial Relations in Literature: what is the influence of OCR noise? », in News Eye int. conference, 17/03/21 (link)
- Marine Riguet, Motasem Alrahabi (2020), "Analyse automatique pour une étude du genre : quels jugements des écrivaines au XIXe siècle ? », in Digital Humanities Conference 2020, Ottawa, Canada, juillet 2020 (link)
- Ioana Galleron, Francesca Frontini, Carmen Brando, Motasem Alrahabi (2020), "Les Guides d’annotation des entités nommées : similitudes, différences, difficultés », in Colloque annuel de l’Association francophone des humanités numériques (Humanistica), Bordeaux, mai 2020 (link)
- Motasem Alrahabi, Marine Riguet (2020), "Cartographier le discours sur la littérature : l’ontologie sémantique comme méthode exploratoire", in Colloque annuel de l’Association francophone des humanités numériques (Humanistica), Bordeaux, mai 2020 (link)
- Motasem Alrahabi, Pauline Flepp, Camille Koskas (2020), "Polémiques dans le rituel épistolaire : les cas de la correspondance Ponge et Paulhan", Revue Epistolaire, 2020 (link)
- Motasem Alrahabi, Mainardi Chiara (2018), "Identification automatique de l’ironie et des formes apparentées dans un corpus de controverses théâtrales", in JADT 2018, Roma, Italy (link)
- Marine Riguet, Motasem Alrahabi (2018), "Pour une analyse automatique du Jugement Critique: les citations modalisées dans le discours littéraire du XIXe siècle", in DHQ: Digital Humanities Quarterly 2018 (link)
- Motasem Alrahabi, (2017), "Fouille sémantique et navigation textuelle dans le corpus de l’OBVIL : 2 cas d’étude", in Des humanités numériques littéraires ?, Cerisy, France, (program)
- Motasem Alrahabi, (2017), "Mining Arabic Texts", in The third Annual Roundtable Conference on Arabic Language and Computing, 2017, Georgetown University, Doha, Qatar (program)
- Elodie Benard, Motasem Alrahabi (2017), "Du petit fait à la doxa : annotation automatique des anecdotes dans le discours critique sur Molière", in Colloque Journées de Linguistique de Corpus, Grenoble, France, (link)
- Motasem Alrahabi, Marine Riguet (2017), "Voguer au fil de la transtextualité", in Digital Humanities 2017, Montreal, Canada, (link)
- Motasem Alrahabi (2016), "E-Quotes : un outil de navigation textuelle guidée par les annotations sémantiques", in TALN 2016, Paris, France, (link)
- Motasem Alrahabi (2015), "E-Quotes: Enunciative Modalities Analysis Tool for Direct Reported Speech in Arabic", in The 16th International Conference on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational Linguistics (CICLING), Cairo, Egypt, (link)
- Motasem Alrahabi (2014), "Opinion Mining from Arabic Quotations", in The 6th International ACM Conference on Management of Emergent Digital Ecosystems, Buraidah Al Qassim, Saudi Arabia, (link)
- Motasem Alrahabi (2014), "Dictionnaire multilingue de proverbes: Premier retour d’expérience", In Actes du colloque international sur les TIC en éducation : bilan, enjeux actuels et perspectives futures, Montréal, Canada (link)
- Motasem Alrahabi (2013), "Les difficultés de l'utilisation du discours rapporté en français chez des apprenants arabophones: Interférences langagières et perspectives pédagogiques", In Actes du colloque international Le FLE au crible de la Grammaire, Paris-Sorbonne Abu Dhabi univ., UAE, (link)
- Brahim Djioua, Jean-Pierre Desclés, Motasem Alrahabi (2012), "Searching and Mining with Semantic Categories", in Next Generation Search Engines: Advanced Models for Information Retrieval, IGI Publishing, USA, 115-137, (link)
- Julien Desclés, Motasem Alrahabi, Jean-Pierre Desclés (2011), "BioExcom: Detection and Categorization of Speculative Sentences in Biomedical Literature", in Human Language Technology. Challenges for Computer Science and Linguistics Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 6562/2011, 478-489, (link)
- Jean-Pierre Desclés, Le Priol Florence, Motasem Alrahabi, Atanassova Iana, Bertin Marc (2010), Fouille sémantique des thèses en ligne, "Traitement automatique des langues naturelles : de l'analyse à l'application ", Biskri Ismaïl, Jebali Adel (dir.), Hermes, Lavoisier (link)
- Motasem Alrahabi, Jean-Pierre Desclés, Suh J.-Y., (2010), "Direct Reported Speech in multilingual texts: Automatic annotation and semantic categorization", Actes de FLAIRS 2010, Florida, USA, (link)
- Jean Danis, Jean-Guy Meunier, Jean-François Chartier, Motasem Alrahabi, Jean-Pierre Desclés, (2010), "Classification automatique et stratégie d’annotation appliquées à un concept philosophique: la dimension psychologique du concept de LANGAGE dans l’œuvre de Bergson", Actes de JADT 2010, Roma, Italy (link)
- Motasem Alrahabi, Jean-Pierre Desclés (2009), "EXCOM : Plate-forme d'annotation sémantique de textes multilingues", TALN 2009 (Démo), Senlis, 24-26 juin 2009 (link)
- Motasem Alrahabi, Jean-Pierre Desclés (2009), « Opérations de prise en charge énonciative: assertion, médiatif et modalités dans le discours rapporté direct, en arabe et en français », in: Methods of lexical analysis, theoretical assumptions and practical applications, Bogacki, K., Cholewa, J., Rozumko, A. eds., Bialystok: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Bialymstoku (link)
- Motasem Alrahabi , Joseph Dichy (2009), "Levée d’ambigüité par la méthode d’exploration contextuelle: la séquence ’alif-nûn (ان) en arabe", In: Ghenima, Malek, Ouksel, Aris et Sidhom, Sahbi (eds.), Systèmes d'Information et Intelligence Economique, 2ème Conférence Internationale (SIIE 2009), Tunis, Hammamet, IHE éditions, p. 573-585 (link)
- Motasem Alrahabi, Jean-Pierre Desclés (2008), "Automatic annotation of direct reported speech in Arabic and French, according to semantic map of enunciative modalities", 6th International Conference on Natural Language Processing, GoTAL 2008, Gothenburg, Sweden, August 25-27, 2008 (link)
- Motasem Alrahabi, Jean-Pierre Desclés (2007), "Vers une carte sémantique du discours rapporté", "Analyse de texte par ordinateur, multilinguisme et applications", 75e congrès de l'ACFAS, Trois-Rivières, Canada, 10-11 mai 2007
- Motasem Alrahabi, Amr Helmy Ibrahim, Jean-Pierre Desclés (2006), "Semantic Annotation of Reported Information in Arabic", FLAIRS 2006, Melbourne, Floride, 11-13 mai (link)
- Motasem Alrahabi, Brahim Djioua, Jean-Pierre Desclés (2006), "Annotation Sémantique des Énonciations en Arabe", INFORSID 2006, Hammamet –Tunisie, 31 mai 2006
- Motasem Alrahabi, Ghassan Mourad, Brahim Djioua (2004), "Filtrage sémantique de textes en arabe en vue d’un prototype de résumé automatique", JEP-TALN, Fès, 19-22 avril (link)
Software and Database Designing
- Ariane: Ariane is an online semantic text-mining search engine. This application helps researchers and students to search for terms within automatically annotated sentences according to a linguistic ontology (opinions, sentiments, emotions...). The application also allows users to filter the search results with metadata: author, date, work, etc.
- OBVIE: a search engine that offers advanced features for information retrieval (with lemmatization) and document comparison.
- Elicom: Web interface for querying electronic correspondence.
- Tanagra: Web interface for geolocation and mapping of place names in texts.
- OCD: An online database for performances of the opéra-comique in Paris from the second half of the 18th century (available soon).
- AVH: The Valentin Haüy heritage library was created in the 1880s by Maurice de la Sizeranne. Its holdings of around 7,000 books focus on the blind and blindness, and contain many unique texts in the world.
- RCF: The 19th century Comédie Française registers project crosses the HNs and the history of theatre, and is part of an international program devoted to all the performances that have been given at the Comédie-Française since its creation in 1680 (website, team).
- ASP: The “Poetry Sound Archives” project aims to inventory, archive, disseminate and analyze sound archives of poetry in French, mainly readings by poets. It implements the technological and methodological resources of the digital humanities.
- More projects here.
Software Developpement
- Textolab A Java rule-based tool for text annotation (new version of Excom-2), with more features and improvements.
- E-Quotes (deprecated): This search engine allows first locating keywords in semantically categorized quotations in Arabic and French. The latest are automatically identified and categorized by EXCOM-2. Definitions, reported opinions, and rumors are few examples of this semantic categorization.
- EXCOM-2 (deprecated): A rule-based tool for text annotation. The project was funded between 2007 and 2009 by France Telecom and the Assiciation for the Development of Information Technology in the Humanities (ADISH).
Technical Skills
- Data modeling, analysis and evaluation.
- Programming languages: Java, Python.
- ML and DL libraries & algorithms.
- Rule based tools for text mining.
- XML, TEI, CSS, XSLT, XPATH, Regular Expressions.
- Text analysis tools (TXM, Gate, Word2vec, Sketch Engine, Spacy...).
- CMS (Omeka), Search engine (Apache Solr, ElasticSearch), Databases.
- Network analysis and visualisation (Gephi, Tableau...).
- ICT & tools for Education (E-Learning).
- OCR, HTR (eScriptorium, Kraken...), Image and Video editing.
- Git, advanced Office.
Ressources Creator :
- Linguistic Ontology for Discursive and Semantic Annotation.
- Multilingual IT Glossary: Arabic, French, English (link).
- Thematic glossaries for French learners, classified by CECRL level.
- Collaborative Digital Museums, for French learners.
- Collaborative Webradio for French learners.
- Qualified by the French National Committee (CNU – Conseil National des Universités), Section 27 (Computer Science).
- Certified Examiner-Scorer for the DELF accreditation programs (A1 to C2) -CIEP, 2017.
- Certified Trainer for Webradio and WebTv (CLEMI: Abu Dhabi, 2013 and Paris, 2014).
- Certified Trainer for Interactive whiteboards use in language teaching (2013).
- Certified Trainer Professional for ICDL training (2012).
- Certified Trainer Professional for Blackboard (2012).
- Coordinator of the Computer Science and Internet Certificate (C2I) at SUAD (2010 - 2018).
- Arabic: Native language.
- French: Near-native fluency.
- English: Very good level.
Professional memberships:
- Member of the scientific committee of Ariane Consortium, 2023-2025 (Link).
- Member of the scientific committee of the Domain of Major Interest, Science of Text and New Knowledge (DIM, STNC).
- Member of the “Spatial Digital Humanities” group within the GdR CNRS MAGIS (link).
- Member of the Association francophone des humanités numériques (Humanistica).
- Member of the Association pour le traitement automatique des langues (ATALA).
- Member of the Société Linguistique de Paris (SLP).
- Member of the Arabic Linguistics Society.
- Memeber of Special Interest Group on Arabic Natural Language Processing (SIGARAB).
Professional awards:
- June 2017: First Pearl Award for extraordinary performance of SUAD (link)
Last update: October 6, 2023.